Volunteer Spotlight: Amanda McKenney

A volunteer firefighter for eight years, Amanda McKenney has been learning about the fire service her whole life through her father, who is the current Chief, uncles, grandfather and brother.

“Being able to do this job with my dad and brother can only be described as incredible,” says Amanda. “We continuously have the ability to learn from one another, discuss operations and tactics, and most importantly support one another when needed.”

Southampton Fire Company is full of many generational firefighters, which Amanda says adds to the rhetoric of calling the fire station a “house” and the members one large “family.”

As a female firefighter, Amanda encourages other women to be confident in themselves and their abilities.

“Do not let others hinder your confidence in what you know or are capable of along your journey in the fire service,” she says. “Know that there is value to what you individually bring to the table, and do not hesitate to take on opportunities to advance your knowledge and skill set.”

Teamwork is an important value at Southampton Fire Company and Amanda encourages new volunteers to rely on that support network.

“People here want to see new members succeed, and success is best obtained through teamwork in this environment,” explains Amanda. “At the end of the day, we all work on the same team to accomplish the same goals and mission. However, we all are unique with different backgrounds, personalities, and lived experiences, which enhances the capabilities and skill set of our company.”

Amanda graduated from Northeastern University in May 2023 with a Bioengineering degree; she now works full time in the medical device industry.

No prior experience is required to join Southampton Fire Company. Training and gear are provided. Learn more at www.JoinSouthamptonFire.org.