Volunteer FAQ

What types of calls do you answer?
Southampton Fire Company has a large coverage area with various geography, serving Upper Southampton Township and providing mutual aid to neighboring communities. We respond to a variety of fire and emergency calls at homes, industrial and commercial buildings, and the turnpike and highways.

What kind of training do volunteers receive?
We train three Monday nights each month, plus provide you access to the county’s fire training, state fire academy and national fire academy. No prior experience is required to join us!

Can I immediately start riding the fire truck?
Unfortunately no! We prioritize safety, and set you up with success through training until you are ready to start coming on calls.

How much time will I spend volunteering?
Volunteering is a time commitment that takes dedication and perseverance. We don’t expect our volunteers to answer every call, but the more who respond, the faster and more effective our response will be.

How do I sign up or learn more?
Express interest in volunteering by filling out an inquiry form on the JOIN US page. Your information will be sent to our recruitment committee who will contact you shortly and invite you to visit the station.

Joining the fire company opened up a door to a world of comradery, family, opportunity and pride that I never would have found without SFC.
- Carli Showmaker, firefighter
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