Volunteer Spotlight: Michael McKenney

Michael McKenney used the skills and experiences he learned volunteering as a junior firefighter at Southampton Fire Company to help guide him throughout his current career. After starting in 2013 as a junior firefighter, Mike worked his way up to senior member, and currently serves as lieutenant and training officer, with a career in firefighting.

“The fire company was a great opportunity where I was pushed continually to grow and develop as both a firefighter and an individual,” said Mike. “Most importantly, it helped me to personally realize the importance and value of service to others.”

When Mike started at Southampton he joined his father and grandfather, continuing the family legacy of firefighting, and since then, his sister has also joined the force.

“It’s certainly not something that most families can say that they do together and I would encourage anyone who might be interested to start a legacy of their own,” said Mike.

He’s found that the skills he has learned at Southampton have set him up for success as a volunteer and career firefighter.

“Southampton gives you the tools to succeed by providing high-quality training and education,” said Mike. “And then from there, it is the individual’s responsibility to use those tools and push yourself outside of your comfort zone a little bit more every time you encounter something new.”

After a lot of experience from training and calls, Mike transitioned to the role of lieutenant. As a line officer, he learned how to become responsible for an entire group of firefighters, giving them guidance where needed, and most importantly, getting them home safely to their families.

“Admittedly, there were some mistakes that I have made along the way, but the most important thing that I have learned is to recognize your mistakes, take ownership of them, and grow from them.”

As a training officer, Mike is responsible for ensuring that the fire response team is well-trained, skilled, and knowledgeable, striving to exceed the expectations of the company.

“Southampton provides a great launch pad for a career in the fire service by providing quality and free training, developing critical thinking skills as a firefighter, and instilling the value of pride in the fire service,” said Mike.

Some of the training Southampton focuses on includes ground ladders, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) review, incident command, ropes and rigging, and hose line deployment. Southampton Fire Company works hard to ensure that the training and experiences their firefighters learn will help them in their future careers.

Mike said, “Southampton continually provides challenges that create opportunities to use critical thinking skills and challenges you both mentally and physically.”

Volunteering and being a part of the community within Southampton’s Fire Company is something that is truly treasured by Mike. “It is something special to have the opportunity to give back to those who helped raise you in your own community,” he said. “More people should join Southampton to be a part of something bigger within their community!”

Find out what volunteering has in store for you by visiting, www.joinsouthamptonfire.org.