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Volunteer Spotight: Logan Hanefeld

Inspired by his dad, Logan Hanefeld joined Southampton Fire Company at 14 years old as a junior firefighter. “Watching my dad grow from Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief to Deputy Chief, he became my role model and I want to be where he is now one day,” said Logan, who has been volunteering for five years. In addition to responding to …

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Volunteer Spotlight: Mike Lorenz

When Mike Lorenz was fresh out of law school, one of the first things interviewers would ask him about was his volunteer firefighting experience with Southampton Fire Company. “With all the resumes law firms were getting, I thought, ‘What could separate me?” said Mike. “The public perception of volunteer firefighting is pretty good and makes a great talking point in …

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Veterans Day Spotlight: Matthew Maier

Matthew Maier, Rotational Lieutenant at Southampton Fire Company and firefighter in the Air Force, has always been interested in what first responders do and giving back to the community. “I joined to explore it and ended up falling in love with it,” he said. At 14, Matthew joined Southampton as a junior firefighter, became a certified firefighter at 18, and …

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Volunteer Spotlight: Amanda McKenney

A volunteer firefighter for eight years, Amanda McKenney has been learning about the fire service her whole life through her father, who is the current Chief, uncles, grandfather and brother. “Being able to do this job with my dad and brother can only be described as incredible,” says Amanda. “We continuously have the ability to learn from one another, discuss operations …

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All Volunteer: Southampton Fire Co. Launches Campaign to Recruit Firefighters

One thing the community can count on when it comes to Southampton Fire Company is dedication. Since 1909 Southampton has been 100% volunteer and committed to providing top-tier service. To continue this dedication, Southampton Fire Company has launched a four-year recruitment campaign in order to grow its volunteer base and the foundation that has supported the company for over a …